Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7

Why Donate To The Momentum Academy?

The E320 Project, dba The Momentum Academy, a 501(c)3, non-profit, is the first and only Accredited (TAAPS) school south of the 610 loop to exclusively serve students in grades 5-12 with learning differences. The Momentum Academy provides individual curriculum and prescriptive instruction to students with learning differences.

The generous financial contributions and support from parents, grandparents, community, foundations, and friends help to meet the financial needs not covered by tuition. This includes continuing current programs, the addition of new programs/equipment, and special events.

The Momentum Academy does not receive government funding.

By making a charitable gift to The E320 Project, dba The Momentum Academy, a 501(c)(3) organization, the donor understands that charitable donations are not refundable.

Ways To Contribute

Monetary Donations

Monetary gifts can be made in the person or mailed, payable in the form of checks or money orders to: The Momentum Academy | PO Box 58018 | Webster, Texas 77598

Via PayPal

Your donation is securely processed by PayPal, with a 3% transaction fee to cover credit card fees, bank fees, and other processing costs. Please consider donating in an additional 3% so 100% of your donation amount goes to us. DONATE NOW



What if you could make a difference with your online shopping? AmazonSmile helps you do just that.

The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate a percentage of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to The Momentum Academy.
Want to put your online shopping towards a good cause? Here's how you can make The Momentum Academy your AmazonSmile charity of choice:

  • Using a new or existing Amazon account, browse the website’s wide selection of products with the same low prices and convenient shopping features as The entire shopping experience is the same.
  • Make a difference by donating each time you shop this holiday season. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your purchase to The Momentum Academy, allowing us to continue changing the lives of children with learning differences.

Employee Match Programs

Many employers offer matching gift programs. Please take the time to determine whether your employer offers such a program – it could serve to double or triple your donation!

Annual Gala & Auction

Thank you to our volunteers and community who generously gathered for this year's Annual Gala and Auction and raised much needed funds for our school.  For more information about next year's Gala, please contact Stephanie Ehlers at 832-205-3770.

Fall Annual Fund

The cost of operating The Momentum Academy is significant. Tuition is set at the lowest point possible to be affordable to all families and to enable as many students as possible to attend. Tuition only covers a fraction of the actual costs. Each fall an Annual Fund is held to "bridge the gap" between operating expenses and fees charged. Involvement is the key! The goal is 100% participation from families, faculty and staff.

Donations to the Annual Fund may be fully tax-deductible. Gifts in any amount will have an immediate impact to students.

Become a part of our continuing story.